Thursday, May 03, 2007

Leaving on a Jet Plane

I recently went to see off my friends who were my juniors in CIEFL. We shamelessly took pictures outside the departure area oblivious to curious bystanders. I wonder about the power of pictures and how it can capture memories or even the essence of by-gone moments. As I looked at them, I realized that I wouldn’t have remembered all the little jokes or laughter that we shared that day if the pictures were not taken. I felt sad seeing them go. It was their end of something but otherwise also a new beginning.
Here is me with my favorite juniors....

I got me new shades. I love em :)

The one to the extreme left is Ashu a.k.a Trinity. I have known her for like 4 years now. She is one of my best friends; a bagful of surprises and lots of funny incidents and walks have cemented our relationship very nicely. We will be meeting in November this year in Goa.
Yes, she’s a Goa fanatic like me.

2nd from left is Aku. I never got a chance to interact with her personally but she is among the people who I would have liked to have known better. The funny thing is that both of us share two best friends and I am sure that just as I hear tid bits about her she also gets to hear about me.
I believe that as good friends we all bear testimonies for each other and my two best friends bore testimony for us.

Beni is on the extreme right. What can I say about Benz! She is my soul sister when it comes to music and similar clothes! We have a lot of similar stuff that it’s weird sometimes. Though I also didn’t get to interact with her personally also, it’s been fun discovering that we are both crazy about Jack Johnson and Ben Harper. Among all the people I know she’s the only person who I can gush/go on and on about JJ/BH and know that she is as interested as me!

Coming soon: How Penny Lane Rocked with Aerosmith! Yipeeeeee :)


Macabreday said...

yaayy penny..we know u just wanted to show off the shades :) haaa..kiddin.. yeaa..hope u really do rock n roll with aerosmith...heee...!!
and hey... i owe you...for completing ur assignment :)

The Penny Lane said...

ayale i do all your deadly assignments and you say mean things to me...sidey!

ps: but thanks to u at least I post :)

Anonymous said...

MY PENNYLANE...THANK YOU!!:-)...for this and alota of Other THINGS!!...LOVE YOU!!..mwaaah!!

Macabreday said...

ok more mean things...and u know what ur new assignment is.. ha ha :)

The Penny Lane said...

OMG I have created a monster :)

claytonia vices said...


Macabreday said...

....becoming more and more ferocious day by day

ha ha :-)

Benny Sumer Yanthan said...

Serendipity, Pennylane, Serendipity.