Saturday, September 23, 2006

Goa Pics.

Me and Kil

I have always, always wanted to wear shades...(cant use lens so stuck with glasses)
So here I am with Maha's shades...I think I look cool :)
(m a sucker for shades!)
l to r: me, eli, and Kil


Everyman said...

I invested in a pair of expensive shades too, but i dont wear them too often..stimes i feel embarassed wearing them when i walk down the street..when i'm riding though, i always steal a quick peek into the rearview mirror..just to see how cool I look ;-)) Vanity of vanities!

Macabreday said...

ha ha...shain... sundara kuttaa :)
nyway.. cool snaps yaar.. please send me the rest ok..

The Penny Lane said...

well sometimes we all cant help but be vain huh :)
the sun rays factor cmes secondary i guess :D

you r gonna be too happy :D

Macabreday said...

by the way, who's the cute one the right side of the snap??

Everyman said...

@Mac - read the fine print..that's Kil!!

The Penny Lane said...

@mac...Yeah that cute on is your girl...happy now? :)

Just uploaded the 'bestest' :D and lo she s still on the right!

Macabreday said...

@Yeah Everyman. Thanx... ha ha :) Didnt notice the fine print ;)