There was rain..
The waves were not so inviting like it was last time...
The journey was tirin...
The driver was temperamental...
However, the rain did not last forever, the waves are always better when you take a dip, the journey was much much better than last time at least (we even saw a movie!) :) and I thought I heard the driver rapping by the end of the trip ;)I also learned how to ride a scooty...though a friend of ours had a lil scooty accident :(
The Food was better this time...though your capacity limits, you anyhow find a way to take that 11th last morsel!
Its always so nice just to take a walk in the beach or sit in a shack and stare at the waves...gets you thinkin by default. You kinda think that every wave will encompass all that you feel inside but its still animate...its there and you are standing where you are. I dunno if I am being vain but life is so much bigger than the waves and tides. We feel what we feel and you can never contemplate enough...nonetheless I love the waves...it make you realise your realizations. I had some thinkin to do...thought that by the end of the trip the answers will come clickin but I still dont know what I want or need to do... guess there are no real escapes...we just gotta deal with it....anyhow.
If I had my way I'd move to Goa anyday...anyyyyday! :D
Cant wait for the next trip...
hey what happened to the comments we left earlier???
@ everyman...tee hee...i was experimenting..dnt even ask how what?!!!...everything got deleted!
Well u can leave more comments...actually my friend Rocker is jinxed ..everytime he leaves a comment something weird happens... lol
now y would it show only (1) comments...?!
i think my blog hates me :)
its making me hallucinate
after u post a comment, click REFRESH.
I did ...i think...better still i opened a new window!! lol who am i kiddin :D
looks ok now..shows 6 comments..the world is back to normal..
and me goin to goa tonite!! :-DD
wish i were u...u know they were sayin that all the shacks/ business would operate from 1st oct only but then Goa is still Goa :) have fun....
When are you blogging next? about time!
Life s a bit hectic, messy, heady and confusing :) will get back as soon as i find some sanity lol
So write about that! Duh!
i will write when i write :)
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