Friday, May 27, 2011

Music and other things

I discover amazing music at times and I think to not let my blog die, I should blog about it. I also stumble on amazing videos and stuff on the internet and I reckon this should be a good place for me to store away.

I hope my few blogger friends have been doing well over the past year....dying to catch up on your posts!


claytonia vices said...

Wow cool!
I think I need to share more interesting music too when I discover it.

Here is something you might have already heard but I heard this track for the first time very recently:

I posted after a long time but I have been sharing images more or less consistently here:

claytonia vices said...

Hahahaha... am red faced to see my own comment from I don't know when LOL

I saw this surf video and thought you would love it: